References For each theme, recommended literature is mentioned below. Paludiculture plant species in NWE The link below gives access to detailed information concerning how to cultivate these crops and what kind of applications there are. When available also information on market opportunities and data on economic value are presented (click […]
Course 2
Course assignments Literature study: Read the article by De Jong et al (see the references below) and argue the relevance and implications of the term paludifuture. Literature study: Develop a series of major descriptors for a paludiculture business model. Farm visit: to the North-East of the university, you can visit […]
Educational activities The module compiles course materials for self-study which creates a learning experience to make the student responsible for their own learning path and outcomes. You can study in your own time, whenever you want. To support organizing your study in this self-paced course all course materials will be […]
Learning outcomes On completion of the course students will: Course coordinators Prof. Dr. Rachel Beckham Prof. Dr. Cees Terpstra
Introduction Paludiculture is wet agriculture and forestry on peatlands. Paludiculture combines, in principle, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from drained peatlands through rewetting with continued land use and biomass production under wet conditions. “Paludi” comes from the Latin “palus” meaning “swamp, morass” and “paludiculture” as a concept, was developed […]