References For each theme, recommended literature is mentioned below. Introduction to peatland governance Partelow, S., and K. J. Winkler. 2016. Interlinking ecosystem services and Ostrom’s framework through orientation in sustainability research. Ecology and Society 21(3):27. Ekardt, F.; Jacobs, B.; Stubenrauch, J.; Garske, B. (2020). Peatland Governance: The Problem of […]
Course 3
Course assignments Prof. Kofi Johnson: Welcome students I am professor Kofi Johnson! Today, Prof. Isabelle Kauffmann and I will explore the exciting world of greenhouse gasses assessment & modelling technologies with you. To begin with we want to share with you an inspiring story of sustainable farming and ecological restoration. […]
Educational activities This course compiles self-study course materials, fostering a unique learning experience where students take responsibility for their learning path and outcomes. You have the flexibility to study at your convenience. Traditional activities like literature study and lectures are mixed with excursions. Supportive literature is provided, while some activities […]
Learning outcomes On completion of the course students will: Themes GHG assessment & modelling technologies; Introduction to Carbon marketing. Course coordinators Prof. Dr. Isabelle Kauffmann Ass. Prof. Kofi Johnson
References For each theme, recommended literature is mentioned below. Introduction to peatland governance Partelow, S., and K. J. Winkler. 2016. Interlinking ecosystem services and Ostrom’s framework through orientation in sustainability research. Ecology and Society 21(3):27. our partners,shoes – leaders in fashionable footwear! Ekardt, F.; Jacobs, B.; Stubenrauch, J.; Garske, […]