Course 3 | Peatland restoration and management
Educational activities
The major long-term goal of the Paris agreement is preventing the increases in global temperatures above 2° C compared to pre-industrialization period (UNFCCC, 2015). This
The module compiles course materials for self-study which creates a learning experience to make the student responsible for their own learning path and outcomes. You can study in your own time, whenever you want. To support organizing your study in this self-paced course all course materials will be introduced and related to other course materials.
Conventional learning activities such as literature study and lectures will be alternated with learning activities such as excursions. Supporting content will be made available whereas other learning activities may require students to find options which are accessible to them.
The course is made up of 3 themes:
- Introduction to peatland restoration and management
- GHG assessment & modelling technologies
- Carbon marketing
Course coordinators
Prof. Dr. Isabelle Kauffmann

Ass. Prof. Kofi Johnson