Course 5 | Greenhouse gasses assessment & modelling technologies

The major long-term goal of the Paris agreement is preventing the increases in global temperatures above 2° C compared to pre-industrialization period (UNFCCC, 2015). This agreement provides great opportunity for each country to take actions that will mitigate greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) for preventing increases in global temperatures (Kona et al., 2016). The European Union (EU) is committed for quantifying GHGs emissions and removals from different land uses, including wetlands, especially peatlands (Pschenyckyj et al., 2021). Despite sequestering carbon in the form of undecomposed plant materials, pristine peatlands with good vegetation cover provide a variety of other ecosystem services such as water retention, improved water quality, biodiversity and habitats for wildlife (Glenk and Martin-Ortega, 2018).
Course coordinators
Prof. Dr. Isabelle Kauffmann

Ass. Prof. Kofi Johnson