Course 5 | Greenhouse gasses assessment & modelling technologies
Course assignments

Prof. Kofi Johnson: Welcome students I am professor Kofi Johnson! Today, Prof. Isabelle Kauffmann and I will explore the exciting world of greenhouse gasses assessment & modelling technologies with you. To begin with we want to share with you an inspiring story of sustainable farming and ecological restoration. This remarkable journey is centered around a passionate farmer named Marie, who inherited her father’s farm and embarked on a transformative path towards sustainability and the preservation of the local ecosystem.
Prof. Isabelle Kauffmann: That is right Prof. Kofi Johnson, I will now invite our students to engage in a little exercise, below you will find a list of simple questions that I need you to answer. Now, come with me and let’s visit The Buffalo Farm and learn about Marie’s story, the questions will help you to identify the key parameters related to her sustainable farming practices and ecological restoration. Pay close attention to the details as they will help you uncover the answers. I advise you to write your answers since you will need this data later in the course.

Lisa (Carpe Diem Farm/Peatland University Student): Professors, in the previous courses we learned about peatlands and even though I enjoyed our field visit to The Buffalo Farm, I still don’t get it. So I have to ask a question: I am still very confused why is it so important to preserve these ecosystems. My dad also has a beautiful farm called Carpe Diem, here in Peatland, and I think peatlands are really messy, and wet. I still think drained farms are nicer places to be.
Prof. Kofi Johnson: That is understandable Lisa, indeed we are not used to appreciate peatlands, since we as humans always want to create comfortable places for our specie. However, for some animals these habitats are perfect in their natural state, pristine peatlands with good vegetation cover provide a variety of other ecosystem services such as water retention, improved water quality and biodiversity. Alongside that, the Peatland town is part of the Paris agreement which aims to prevent the increase in global temperatures above 2° C compared to pre-industrialization period. This agreement requires each country to take actions that will mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. The European Union (EU) is also committed for quantifying GHGs emissions and removals from different land uses, including wetlands, especially peatlands.
Prof. Isabelle Kauffmann: To complement Prof. Kofi Johnson, I will take the opportunity to explain that we will now teach you how to use a tool that allows the user to calculate the amount of carbon peatlands remove from the atmosphere in the form of undecomposed plant materials, and in some cases, even receive monetary compensation for doing so.
I am sure this will convince you, of the importance of restoring and conserving these unique habitats.
Greenhouse Gases Assessment & Modelling Technologies
Prof. Kofi Johnson: During our visit we explored Marie’s inspiring journey of sustainable farming and ecological restoration. Now, we will take a step further and analyze the environmental impact of her farm using the Site Emission Tool.
To begin, I want you to recall the parameters we diligently collected. Because, it’s time to put those values into action by utilizing the Site Emission Tool. You can download the tool for free by following this link: [CCONNECTS – Carbon Connects | Interreg NWE (].
Prof. Isabelle Kauffmann: Let me guide you on how to use the tool effectively. Once you’ve accessed the tool, please go the input tab, indicated by the red arrow in the picture on the left. After that, I will explain each field and provide the corresponding values based on Marie’s farm.
Before we start filling in the values, a few parameters are not used for the calculation, and exist only to facilitate the farmers administration, those are: Site name, Coordinates and Elevation. Therefore, for this exercise, we are going to skip them.
Prof. Isabelle Kauffmann: Let me guide you on how to use the tool effectively. Once you’ve accessed the tool, please go the input tab, indicated by the red arrow in the picture on the left. After that, I will explain each field and provide the corresponding values based on Marie’s farm.
Before we start filling in the values, a few parameters are not used for the calculation, and exist only to facilitate the farmers administration, those are: Site name, Coordinates and Elevation. Therefore, for this exercise, we are going to skip them.
Fill in the Site Emission Tool (SET)
Site Characteristics |
Area of the Farm: [60 (ha)] |
Peat Type: Enter the specific type of peat found on Marie’s farm. [Sphagnum peat] |
Peat Thickness: Input the average thickness of peat discovered by Marie during her exploration of the farm.[70cm] |
Year of Rewetting (Start): Specify the year in which Marie initiated the rewetting project.[2018] |
Groundwater and Vegetation |
Median Groundwater Level in Summer: Since in this case the groundwater level is bellow the peat surface do not forget the negative sign in front of the values.[-80cm(baseline)/-20cm (after rewetting)] |
Vegetation Class: We learned that Marie’s farm had dry grasslands before the rewetting, we have limited options of vegetation to choose, therefore we need to find the most applicable for each scenario, which for this case is [G1: dry to moderately moist grasslands] (baseline) and [U12 Wet grass lands] (After rewetting). |
Baseline Scenario |
Animal Manure (baseline): [75kg N/ha] |
Amount of Organic Fertilizer Applied (baseline): Leave this field empty since Marie did not apply any sort of organic compost aside from animal manure. |
Amount of Synthetic Fertilizer Applied (baseline): We learned that Marie used to apply [75kg N/ha] of Urea to her farm, so go ahead and select [ammonium based] fertilizer. |
Select the Kind of grazing animals (baseline): [dairy cows] |
Number of Grazing Animals (baseline): Fill in the number of grazing animals present on Marie’s farm before the rewetting project.[100] |
Number of Grazing Days (baseline): Specify the number of days per year that the animals grazed on Marie’s farm before the rewetting project. [120 days/year] |
The next fields are Crop Yield, Crop Residue and Crop these fields are only interesting for the calculations if farm produces: Cattail, Reeds, Peat moss or Alder, so Crop Yield is [0] [no] Crop Residue, and [Other] Crop. |
Rewetting Scenario |
Now for the rewetting scenario, we learned that Marie has abandoned the use of fertilizer, and is not applying any extra manure, therefore the only fields that need to be filled in are: Grazing animals [water buffalo], Number of animals [60], grazing days [214], and again: Crop Yield is [0] [no] Crop Residue, and [Other] Crop. |
Land Management Activity Data |
Land Management (Diesel, Electricity): Now here it is interesting, because we don’t know the exact amount of electricity and diesel fuel consumed before nor after rewetting, however we know that Marie saved annually: [2800 liters of Diesel] and [13.800 kWh of electricity], so fill in these values in the Baseline Activity Data, and leave the Rewetting Activity Data empty. |
Crop Use (Destination of Crop): Specify where the crop went after the rewetting project and its intended purpose [food application]. |
Prof. Isabelle Kauffmann: Congratulations! You have done it! Since you have entered all the necessary values into the SET, it will automatically calculate the site emissions.
Let’s now analyze them and this will provide valuable insights into the environmental impact and sustainability of her farming methods.
Prof. Kofi Johnson: Please go the output tab, indicated by the red arrow in the picture on the left.
Remember, the purpose of this exercise is to understand the practical application of analyzing site emissions and how it can help us evaluate the sustainability of farming practices. It allows us to make informed decisions to minimize our ecological footprint and promote responsible agriculture.
Explaining the Parameters
GEST (Greenhouse Gas Emission Site Types):
The GEST, or Greenhouse Gas Emission Site Types, is a tool used to quantify and analyze the emissions of different greenhouse gases (GHGs) from a specific site or location. It provides a comprehensive assessment of the emissions associated with activities and processes occurring at that site. The GEST categorizes and quantifies the emissions of various GHGs, such as methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrous oxide (N2O), which are major contributors to climate change.
Net GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Savings:
Net GHG savings refer to the overall reduction of greenhouse gas emissions achieved through a particular intervention or project, such as Marie’s rewetting project. It represents the difference between the baseline GHG emissions and the emissions after implementing sustainable practices. Positive net GHG savings indicate a reduction in emissions, while negative values indicate an increase in emissions.
tCO2-eq (Tons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent):
tCO2-eq, or tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, is a unit used to measure the global warming potential (GWP) of greenhouse gas emissions. It allows different greenhouse gases to be compared based on their warming potential relative to carbon dioxide. By converting the emissions of various gases into tCO2-eq, we can assess their cumulative impact on climate change. In quantitative terms, 1 tCO2-eq equals one Carbon Credit.
GWP (Global Warming Potential):
GWP, or Global Warming Potential, is a measure of the relative impact of a greenhouse gas compared to carbon dioxide over a specific time horizon. It quantifies the ability of a gas to trap heat in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. GWP values are used to calculate the tCO2-eq emissions of different greenhouse gases. For example, methane has a higher GWP than carbon dioxide, indicating that it has a greater warming effect per unit of emissions.
Lisa (Carpe Diem Farm/Peatland University Student): Professor, I got the result of 2267.5 tCO2-eq saved per year. However, I still can’t really understand what these values mean, can you explain them in easier terms.
Prof. Isabelle Kauffmann: First of all, congratulations! This is the correct value. Second, that is a great idea Lisa!
Let’s see what these value means in more understandable equivalences.
This equals to 487 gasoline-powered passenger vehicles driven for one year!
Or the CO2 emissions from energy use in 285 homes for one year!
Or the amount of Carbon sequestered by more than 2682 threes in a year!
Lisa (Carpe Diem Farm/Peatland University Student): Oh, my! I had no idea! That is a lot! Thank you professor, I understand better now, and I will raise this issue at home.
One last question, I noticed in the graphic below that after some decades the farmer is starts to receive a smaller yearly Carbon Credits compensation, why is that?
Prof. Kofi Johnson: That is a very good question Lisa, that is because if nothing would have been done, all the peat would have been lost in the baseline scenario after 29 years and therefore no emission reduction from soil can be claimed after that. However C-sequestration and emission reduction due to changes in management and replacement of fossil products still apply.
This shows you how important it is to take action as soon as possible!
Introduction to Carbon marketing
Prof. Isabelle Kauffmann: To finish our lesson I would like to explain that the calculation of carbon credit prices involves various factors. First and foremost, the price is influenced by the supply and demand dynamics of the carbon market. If the demand for carbon credits is high and the supply is limited, prices tend to increase. Conversely, if there is a surplus of credits available, prices may decrease. Additionally, the quality and type of carbon credits, such as those from renewable energy projects or peatland restoration initiatives, can impact pricing.
Let’s now calculate how much 2267.5 Carbon Credits are worth in monetary terms. You will do this in real time, so please access the following link, check the prices of Carbon Stocks and multiply it by the amount of Carbon Credits you would like to calculate.
Live Carbon Prices Today, Carbon Price Charts • Carbon Credits
Thank you for your attention, and I encourage you to reflect on these results and consider how you can contribute to sustainable farming and ecological restoration in your own lives and future endeavors. I also encourage you all to explore the other farms in peatland with the Site Emission Tool, input the collected values, and observe the results.
Course coordinators
Prof. Dr. Isabelle Kauffmann

Ass. Prof. Kofi Johnson