“Peatland bank is your assistant for transactions in sustainable financing. The long-term approach of Peatland bank is to support customers with dedicated knowledge, our expertise in the field of Peatland businesses and shared ambitions for sustainable futures.”
Bank director: Dietrich du Bois
Developing sustainable financial models is an important part of ensuring peatlands can be protected and sustainably managed! We want to keep peatlands healthy and support them to operate as a carbon sink, while also providing an income for farmers, funding peatland restoration activities and stimulating the local economy.
Our sustainable finance supports alternative business models for peatlands such as carbon credits, paludiculture, eco credits and renewable energy.

Sustainable finance is a concept that emerged with the growing awareness that economic activities impact the environment. Sustainable Finance got boosted with the launch of United Nations Environmental Program – Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI) in 1992 before the Rio Summit. Peatland bank follows the UNEP-FI framework with adherence to:
Principles for responsible Banking (PRB)
Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI)
Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
To act on climate change our bank aims to have zero-carbon emissions in 2030, which is in line with the EU climate policy framework. To realize this goal we are going to use the sustainable energy produced by farmer Pat in Peatland.
Our bank supports the EU emission trading system (EU ETS). If you have any questions about the EU ETS please contact us or our partner Climact
Dietrich du Bois
Bank Director

Peatland Bank Library
Jan Peters and Moritz von Unger. 2017. Peatlands in the EU Regulatory
Environment. Survey with case studies on Poland and Estonia. Bonn, Germany
ISBN 978-3-89624-191-7.
IUCN. 2018. Natural Capital Financing for Peatland.
United Nations Environment Programme (2021). Economics of Peatlands Conservation, Restoration, and Sustainable Management – A Policy Report for the Global Peatlands Initiative. Edward B. Barbier, Joanne C. Burgess. Nairobi.