Course 3 | Peatland restoration and management
For each theme, recommended literature and videos are mentioned below.
Introduction to peatland restoration and management
Aletta Bonn, Mark S. Reed, Chris D. Evans, Hans Joosten, Clifton Bain, Jenny Farmer, Igino Emmer, John Couwenberg, Andrew Moxey, Rebekka Artz, Franziska Tanneberger, Moritz von Unger, Mary-Ann Smyth, Dick Birnie (2014). Investing in nature: Developing ecosystem service markets for peatland restoration. Ecosystem Services. Volume 9. Pages 54-65.
Andersen, R., Farrell, C., Graf, M., Muller, F., Calvar, E., Frankard, P., Caporn, S., & Anderson, P. (2017). An overview of the progress and challenges of peatland restoration in western europe. Restoration Ecology, 25(2), 271–282.
GHG assessment & modelling technologies
Laura Lahtinen, Tuomas Mattila, Tanja Myllyviita, Jyri Seppälä, Harri Vasander. (2022) Effects of paludiculture products on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural peatlands. Ecological Engineering. Volume 175.
Site emission tool:
Carbon marketing (English)
Today, carbon credits, carbon markets, and carbon farming are popular topics in agriculture. Enterprises, growers and agriculture stakeholders know carbon marketplaces are part of the future. But ask them why and how to build it into their business… and you’ll end up with more questions than answers. It’s time to lower the barrier of knowledge around carbon marketplaces and empower agriculture stakeholders to take control of their carbon-neutral futures. (French)
Comment fonctionne le système d’échanges de quotas d’émissions de CO2 en Europe? – Comment fonctionne le marché de quotas d’émissions de carbone en Europe? – Comment le prix du carbone influence-t-il la stratégie des entreprises? (German)
Das “EU-Emissions Trading System” ist der Handel mit CO2-Emissionszertifikaten. Wie dieser organisiert wird und wofür ein Zertifikat überhaupt steht, erfahrt ihr in diesem Video.
Course coordinators
Prof. Dr. Isabelle Kauffmann

Ass. Prof. Kofi Johnson